6 Tips to Naturally Prevent and Shorten Colds & Flu
6 Tips to Naturally Prevent and Shorten
Colds & Flu
Updated: 12/12/2018
When you start to feel that scratch in your throat or tickle in your nose do you immediately reach for medications or run to your doctor insisting you need antibiotics? Did you know that a healthy immune system and some nutrients that your body actually needs can help shorten the life of a virus? It’s true! No need to inundate your body with toxic, unnecessary drugs. Fill your body with the elements it needs to naturally repair and strengthen your immune system. Here are 6 valuable tips to naturally prevent and shorten colds and flu. Get rid of the flu fast!
We all just accept that when we get sick we will be sick for days or even weeks. We commiserate with each other and throw out ideas on the different medications that make us feel momentarily better but don’t actually fuel our body with the much needed vitamins and minerals that can actually assist in knocking out the virus and all its uncomfortable symptoms.
Here are 6 awesome tips to help you shorten and prevent colds and flu naturally during the holidays and the whole winter!
1. Vitamin C
When your body is invaded by a virus it immediately starts employing all available Vitamin C to fight off the virus. Vitamin C depletes quickly. So the first defense is to replenish Vitamin C. Some studies suggest that supplementing with a plant based supplement up to 5000 units per day can drastically reduce the length of your cold or flu…or stop it before it becomes a full blown illness.
2. Zinc
Zinc is a much needed, often overlooked mineral. We are often deficient in this mineral due to poor nutrition and poor nutrient absorption. Zinc is needed for gut health (ground zero for our immune system!), it is a powerful antioxidant, and it reduces inflammation, another cause of breakdown in our immune system. Good sources of zinc include: beef raised on pasture (grass-fed), lentils, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and garbanzo beans.
3. Probiotics
Probiotics come in many forms: yogurt, kefir, fermented foods, kombucha, sourdough bread (REAL sourdough bread), and supplements. Probiotics are absolutely necessary for a healthy gut/immune system. Probiotics provides the good, friendly bacteria we need. Probiotics provide crowd-control in our gut. They literally crowd out the bad bacteria and yeast. Probiotics keep our digestive tract clean and functioning properly. Tip: It is most important to take probiotic after a round of antibiotics. Antibiotics not only kills off the bad bacteria, but kills the essential, good bacteria as well. Without good bacteria we not only won’t have a properly functioning immune system, but we won’t absorb nutrients properly either.
This is one of my favorite probiotic supplements.

Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash
4. Spices and Herbs
Spices and herbs are another overlooked source for naturally boosting immune health. Some of the following herbs have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and/or antibacterial properties according to the latest studies.
- Turmeric
- Elderberry
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Sage
- Oregano, specifically oregano oil, is a natural antibiotic. It has been shown in studies to be as effective as some antibiotics! It is also a powerful antifungal. One safe way to use oregano oil is to use a few drops in a diffuser near your bed at night. Oregano oil can be bought in capsule form as well. You can also dilute it in a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil and rub on ankles. It will absorb through the skin and go straight to the bloodstream where it can get to work. It is best when ingesting any essential oils that you consult with an herbalist, certified essential oil practitioner, or other doctor familiar with the practice of ingesting oils.
5. Bromelain & Quercetin
Both bromelain and quercetin have anti-inflammatory properties. Foods containing quercetin can lower inflammation especially as it relates to allergies, infections, and chronic conditions, as well as arthritis. Quercetin is also a natural antihistamine. Bromelain has been show in studies to reduce sinus swelling and inflammation. Bromelain is also good to take after surgeries or other procedures that cause swelling.
Top sources of quercetin include apples, peppers, blueberries, leafy greens. Pineapple is an excellent source of bromelain.
6. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is important for a healthy immune system. It is also believed that up to 80% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. Not only does vitamin D support your immune system, but it can help with energy levels, depression, bone, joint, and muscle pain, hair loss, and dry skin. Vitamin D levels can be increased by sunshine or supplements. One thing to consider, all vitamins need other vitamins and/or nutrients to properly synthesize and absorb. Magnesium aids in the absorption and conversion of vitamin D and unfortunately, magnesium is one of the other highly deficient and much-needed nutrients in our diets. Be sure to get adequate amounts of magnesium to ensure proper absorption of vitamin D.
As you can, see there are many natural food sources that will aid in battling the common cold and flu. Keeping your immune system strong is the number one way to prevent illness.
I hope your holidays are filled with good health and fun! Leave a comment and share what strategies you have used for staying healthy!
Cheers to Your Health,
Certified Health Coach & Drugless Health Practitioner
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*Essential oils should only be consumed by mouth under the guidance of a qualified natural health expert.
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